Never Recorded Episode 89: Spring Break has Sprung!

Today’s segments include: drafting, fully drafted, lit review, five favorite things, and noteworthy. Pull out your knitting and let’s knit together!


Fish lips kiss heel socks by Sox Therapist in Kirby Wirby colorway RBF google it on size 1/2.25mm 32″ Hiya Hiya sharp circular.

Into the Whirled colorway on Ashford Traveller Spinning Wheel. Trying long draw.

2016 Pumpkin Passport Cross Stitch Along by Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery on Aida.

Fully Drafted:

Canfield Hat by Jessica Larsonin Gnomeacres Scruffy Gnome colorway 221B Baker Street on size 7/4.5mm Signature Circular.

Fish lips kiss heel socks by Sox Therapist in Fibernymph Dyeworks Bedazzled Colorway Nyan Cat on size 1/2.25mm 32″ Hiya Hiya sharp circular.

Into the Whirled colorway Mithrandir on Ashford Traveller Spinning Wheel.

Lit Review:

Dead Wake: The Last Crossing of the Lusitania by Erik Larson. Nonfiction, Larson’s telling of the sinking of the Lusitania by German U-boats, part of what got the U.S. to enter the first World War. Larson covers all aspects of the story from the passengers on the ship to the German U-boat captain to the politics in the U.S. I’ve read In the Garden of Beasts by Larson, and this book is another well told nonfiction story, reading much more like a novel than a nonfiction book. All of the parties involved make the story even more interesting. I gave it 4 stars on Goodreads.

The Buried Giant by Kazuo Ishiguro. The February read for book club which I abandoned about half way through. The story reads like a fairy tale. I get the main idea of it and why Ishiguro told the story this way, but I just didn’t like it enough to keep reading. The story was incredibly slow.

Currently listening to Dragonfly in Amber by Diana Gabaldon on audio and The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood.

Five Favorite Things:

  1. Signature dpns for my birthday
  2. Into the Whirled Fiber
  3. Hipstrings WPI tool
  4. Purchases at Pittsburgh Indie Knit and Spin
  5. Skyrim

Noteworthy: Next weekend I will be at the Groves retreat.

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