Never Recorded Episode 87 Take 2: Starting Anew

Happy 2016!

Today’s segments include: drafting, fully drafted, lit review, five favorite things, and noteworthy. Pull out your knitting and let’s knit together!



Fish lips kiss heel socks by Sox Therapist in Fibernymph Dyeworks Bedazzled Colorway Nyan Cat on size 1/2.25mm 32″ Hiya Hiya sharp circular.

Fully Drafted:

Lots of baby hats and socks for Christmas! I don’t have any of the finished projects, but I’ve included a few pictures.


Lit Review:

You’re Never Weird on the Internet by Felicia Day.Love! So much great stuff in this book. I already was inspired by Felicia Day being such a geeky writer and gamer before reading her book. I am a huge fan of Geek and Sundry and her show, the Flog, as well as the Guild. I devour her internet content. She is a great actress and inspiration for all geeky people, especially women, to let their geek flags fly.

I listened to the audio and loved her reading of her book. My favorite chapters are the last 3, about writing the Guild, starting the Geek and Sundry youtube channel, and Gamergate. Her musings are insightful and hilarious. If you are a fan of the internet and all things geeky, I highly recommend this book!

Currently reading: Dead Wake: The Last Crossing of the Lusitania by Erik Larson on audio, A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness on kindle.

Five Favorite Things:

  1. Year of Stash Socks RATS 2016: a 2016 sock knitting challenge
  2. Into the Whirled fiber
  3. Kindle paperwhite
  4. PC Gaming
  5. Frosted Pumpkin Cross-stitch

Noteworthy: Craft-along prizes, goals for 2016

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